Why I'm starting to write blogs
For a long time, I’ve hesitated to start a blog. Writing in my diary has been my go-to for pinning down my deepest reflections on life and philosophy. Sharing them publicly never crossed my mind; it just didn’t seem necessary. So what changed? Well, I’ve had a change of heart. This blog is my way of opening up, sharing my experiences and ideas with anyone who’s interested. Here’s why:
To connect with like-minded people
Being a bit of a loner, I’ve found peace and growth in solitude. But I’m starting to realize the importance of connecting with others who share similar views and values. Yet, finding those who truly resonate with me has proven challenging, perhaps because of my rapid personal growth. While the folks I’ve met are nice, they don’t quite spark that inspiration or share my values.
People like me tend to keep a low profile, which makes it challenging to connect with others who are on a similar journey of self-discovery. By putting my thoughts out there in this blog, I’m basically sending out a message, hoping to connect with people who are also trying to figure things out and grow.
To share my best self
We all have talents and insights waiting to be shared. For me, it’s about leadership, spirituality and understanding the world around me. I’ve spent countless hours pondering these topics but haven’t had the chance to put my thoughts into action or share them with others. So, I’m putting them out there, for anyone who might find them intriguing.
To explore the unknown
Who knows what lies ahead, maybe this venture will bring surprises and chances of growth I never imagined.