Omkar's Blog

Omkar's Blog

Thoughts and experiences

19 Jul 2024

Expectations from the companion

Companion words suits the most of all words.

Soulmate? Then I’ve to apologize to my thousands of wifes in previous life or.. husbands?!

Spouse? Stopp we’re just dating!

Better half? Comes with marriage vibes. Noone should be better or worse

Consort? Im not the god yet

Beloved? Kanmani anbodu kadalan <3

Life partner? Hmm this is the second best.

Companion it is because it doesn’t carry any weight of future with it, neither its a glorified word. In the end, its just companionship, but much deeper then any other in life

So, back to the point. I can keep going on and on about how the companion should be, what my expectations are etc etc but all philosophical and ideological. Thoughts are nothing unless they’re judged from actions. So actions it is what I’ll list down here.


She shouldn’t wear makeup in her marriage. (too shy to say our, hehe) And its not a rule per say, but the will to be who you are comes from inside.

The problems with concrete expectations is one can do complete opposite but still adhere to the expectation. Thats why i say its difficult to judge someone by their action, only if intentions were visible to the naked eye.

So coming back to the point, even wearing makeup is also not something to frawn upon. Its the intentions and expectations. Wanting to look good in own marriage is acceptable. But wanting the same for validation of others or for fear of judgement is.. something you can grow out of.

And all this thought process started after watching this youtube short about this heavy makeup tutorial and the positive comments which contradicts with my less popular opinion that not only she looked so so much better without makeup, but the “makeup” itself drags her looks far below the average line.

Pretty sure the video will be inaccessible sooner or later like all online content becomes

And finally, a thought came to make this a blog post as well. Not all posts should be well thought, clearly defined results of striving for perfectionism. Let me slip this one in, as is, fresh and raw, without any help from the llms to “format and optimize for readability”

And let me keep adding more to it in future, of course there can’t be just one single “expectation” heh.